Surface preparation is of paramount importance for industrial coating contracts. Preparation standards are critical with exacting standards under ISO 8501-1:1988 such as hand and power tool cleaning to St2, St3 and grit blasting cleaning to Sa1, Sa2, Sa2½, and Sa3. We also hydroblast, slurry blast, bristle blast and use RPR to remove old coatings.
The choice of surface preparation method is determined on a site by site basis, the specification requirements for the system being applied coupled with in some cases the practicality of carrying out the work and the required life to first maintenance of the system.
The removal of and disposal of old lead based coatings requires the health & safety & environmental management expertise that BIS Coatings Ltd has developed over the years in completing large lead removal contracts.
While working within the confines of tank internals it is imperative that climatic conditions are controlled, to this end we are experienced in the provision and use of de-humidification and heating equipment which usually forms part of the overall surface preparation package.
BIS Coatings Ltd offers the broadest of portfolios with a full range of industrial coating and lining applications, fireproofing and consulting. Our experience and reputation ensures that our clients receive a premier service with quality results, safely and at the best value.
We work closely with our clients to ensure we deliver high quality services in accordance with client requirements.